We’ve launched a fun new pack for the festive season

Published: 6 Dec, 2022
Pigs in Blankets with Ieuan

Last year pre-made pigs in blankets sold out in lots of places, despite the best efforts of butchers everywhere the UK just couldn’t wrap them fast enough.

So, we have have launched a do-it-yourself kit to help make sure pigs and blankets aren’t missing from tables this year! It’s also a great way get to the family involved, if they’re not too busy lying on the sofa watching movies!

Our founder, Ieuan Edwards, explains: “For a butcher to make ready to cook pigs in blankets is very labour intensive but it’s great to get everyone involved in preparing Christmas dinner.

“So we came up with this do-it-yourself kit of a string of ten cocktail sausages and ten slices of streaky bacon.

“The fun is in putting them together – all you need is a pair of scissors to snip the string of sausages, roll them up in the slices of bacon, place them seam side down on a roasting tray and pop them in the oven for perfect Pigs in Blankets.

“It’s exclusive to Tesco and they’re tasty, made from top quality ingredients, and easy to assemble and cook.

“It’s about making food fun and getting everyone involved because younger members of the family can help.”

You can buy them from Tesco stores throughout Wales.

Visit the product page here.

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